Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Time in 20 years!

Hey Everyone,

So yesterday I did something I have never done before.  I went to the State Capitol Building in Jefferson City, Missouri.  Wow! It was the most amazing experience I have ever had.  The art and the atmosphere is so incredible that I would recommend anyone wanting to do... DO IT!

I should probably explain why I was in Jefferson city to begin with.  I was asked by the Student Government Association (SGA) executive board to go to the capitol to talk to Gov. Nixon's advisor about some issues here at school so I gladly accepted.

While we were there, we met with Representatives and Senators of the State.  We also got to go down on both the Senate and House main floor, which is normally restricted to Senaotrs and Reps and Media.  I felt so powerful there!

It was a wonderful experience and I can't wait to go back someday!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Let it Snow

Hey All,

I had my second day of school yesterday and i have discovered that this semester is going to be a challenge for me.  I have three challenging classes that are going to test me both intellectually and physically.  We shall see!

Another big thing that happened today is that it snowed.  Now when I say snowed i mean SNOWED! From the time i post this we are sitting at five inches and still going.  Missouri Western State University cancelled classes for the evening yesterday because of safety for those traveling to campus.  Every student on campus is hoping that classes are cancelled tomorrow, but the idea is unlikely because the roads are being cleared as we speak. One can only hope that they are cancelled. 

Back home schools have already been cancelled. Those lucky ducks!

Well you will here from me if classes are cancelled.  Until then....


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting Started

I decided to start a blog after I saw that my sister had one and I thought that that would be interesting. So here you have it, "Live for Laughs". This Blog is going to mainly be for expression and being able to be myself and have a good laugh about it. I promise that posts will be longer than this, but I am just starting!